Ozone therapy is the use of medical-grade ozone gas to create a curative response in the body. The properties of ozone stimulate the body to heal itself, naturally.
Ozone has been used by health practitioners for over 150 years to safely and effectively treat a myriad of maladies, and improve the lives of their patients.
Ozone therapy has been studied extensively, particularly in Germany, Russia, and Cuba. Its beneficial health effects are proven, safe, and without major side effects.
There are a multitude of ozone therapy methods available that can be administered by your health care provider, or by yourself with the purchase of an ozone generator and a few accessories.
Benefits of Ozone Therapy
Because ozone works at such a fundamental level, its health benefits are wide ranging. Here are just a few of the major ones:
- Decreases inflammation
- Modulates the immune system
- Boosts oxygen utilization and cellular energy production
- Kills viruses, bacteria, and fungi
- Fights infections
- Slows the aging process
- Prevents atherosclerosis
- Boosts metabolism
- Detoxifies
Ozone Treatment Methods
Major Autohemotherapy (MAHT)
Major Autohemotherapy, commonly abbreviated as MAH or MAHT, is performed by drawing blood from the patient into a vial or IV bag, then mixing the blood with medical-grade ozone gas and then reinfusing the blood/ozone mix back into the patient.
Indications For MAH
- Infections (viral, bacterial, fungal)
- Immune System Modulation
- Auto Immune Disease
- Cancer (as an adjuvant in cancer therapy)
- Chronic Fatigue
- Fibromyalgia
- LYME Disease
- Osteo and Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Hepatitis B and C
- Herpes Simplex
- Herpes Zoster (shingles)
- Allergies and Chemical Sensitivities
- Asthma and COPD
- Circulatory Diseases
- Heart and Vascular Disease
- Peripheral Artery Disease
- Dementia and Cerebral Vascular Disease
Minor Autohemotherapy (mAHT)
Minor Autohemotherapy, commonly abbreviated as mAHT, MinAH, or MinAHT, is used as a non-specific, immune stimulant therapy, comparable to an “autovaccination”. It is performed by drawing a small amount of the patient’s blood, generally not more than 2 to 10 ml., mixing it with a small amount of medical-grade ozone gas, and then it is slowly reinjected intramuscularly, typically in the gluteal region. It feels like any other shot you’ve had.
Indications For mAHT
- Immune System Activation and Modulation
- Cancer (as an adjuvant in cancer therapy)
- Allergies
- Acne Vulgaris
- Herpes Infections
- Herpes Zoster (shingles)
10 Pass
The 10 Pass method, also referred to as Ozone High Dose Therapy (OHT) or High Dose Ozone Therapy (HOT), is a technique developed by Austrian physician, Dr. Johann Lahodny. Much like major autohemotherapy, 10-Pass involves drawing 200 ml of blood into a vial or IV bag, mixing the blood with medical-grade ozone gas, then reintroducing the blood/ozone mix back into the patient via the IV. Unlike, MAH, 10 Pass uses higher concentrations of ozone and is repeated up to 10 times, hence the term 10 Pass.
Ten Pass introduces a greater amount of ozone into the body in a shorter period of time than other methods. The entire process takes between 1 to 2 hours and can introduce over 100,000 ug of ozone into the body, nearly 50 times more than that of a standard IV ozone treatment.
Dr. Robert Rowen, a pioneer in ozonotherapy, is a big proponent of the 10 Pass method and has numerous patient success stories on his YouTube Channel.
Indications For 10 Pass
- Infections (viral, bacterial, fungal)
- Immune System Activation
- Immune System Modulation
- Inflammatory Diseases, i.e., arthritis, bursitis, etc.
- Auto Immune Disease
- Cancer (as an adjuvant in cancer therapy)
- Chronic Fatigue
- Fibromyalgia
- LYME Disease
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Hepatitis B and C
- Herpes Simplex
- Herpes Zoster (shingles)
- Parkinson's Disease
- Psoriasis
- Allergies and Chemical Sensitivities
- Asthma and COPD
- Circulatory Diseases
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Vascular Diseases
- Peripheral Artery Disease
- Brain Fog
- Dementia and Cerebral Vascular Disease
Hyperbaric Major Autohemotherapy
Hyperbaric Major Autohemotherapy, while similar to MAHT in many respects, it differs in the following ways:
- Blood is withdrawn using suction from the ozone generator itself.
- 150-200 ml of blood is mixed with ozone under pressure, hence the term hyperbaric.
- The pressure helps to protect the red blood cells and allow for better oxygenation.
- The process can be repeated up to 15-20 times in a single session.
- It is more expensive, but the results are much faster and greater.
Indications For Hyperbaric Major Autohemotherapy
- Same as for 10-Pass
Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation (EBOO) and Recirculatory Hemoperfusion (RHP) are two terms that describe the same process, which can best be described as ozone dialysis.
In EBOO / RHP, blood is drawn from one arm, mixed with saline and an anticoagulant like Heparin, then run through an ozone infusing blood pump/dialysis machine, and back into the other arm.
Proponents of EBOO / RHP claim it is the be all, end all of ozone treatments. However, pioneers in the field of ozone, like Dr. Robert Rowen and Dr. Frank Shallenberger disagree, believing the best method depends on the patient and their manifestation of disease.
Indications For EBOO / RHP
- Same as for 10-Pass
Ozonated Saline
Developed in Russia, this method is often called, “The Russian Method” and is performed by saturating 200 to 400 ml of physiological saline with a low concentration of ozone, which is then administered intravenously.
Ozonated saline IVs can be delivered in two ways, either as a bottle of fully ozonated saline, or in a bottle that is continually being bubbled with ozone during intravenous infusion. The latter will maintain the desired ozone concentration throughout the duration of the IV infusion.
Ozonated saline can also be used topically to treat wounds, burns, skin infections, etc.
Indications For Ozonated Saline
- Ischemic Heart Disease
- Discirculatory Encephalopathy
- Arteriosclerosis Obliterans of lower extremities
- Chronic Gastritis
- Ulcer
- Osteoarthritis
- Bronchial Asthma
- Secondary Immunodeficiency Disease
- Diabetes Mellitus
Direct IV (DIV)
Direct IV is extremely effective and inexpensive to perform. However, many misinformed practitioners discourage its use due to supposed risks and lack of benefits. Done properly, DIV is perfectly safe.
In fact, over the past 20+ years, Dr. Howard Robins has performed hundreds of thousands of DIVs in his practice and has perfected the “Robins Method” that produces consistently excellent results.
With Direct IV, small amounts of ozone gas (180-240 cc) are administered via syringe directly into a vein, typically in the forearm or hand. The ozone must be injected very slowly to avoid discomfort.
As to any concerns about creating an embolism, here's what the ISCO3 has to say:
It is important to clarify that ozone as well as oxygen do not cause embolism, due to the fact that the blood is thirsty for them and dissolves them very quickly. The few cases of embolism and death during the practice of ozone therapy have been due to various factors. The direct inoculation of the gas in the blood stream by a physical effect; the coagulation mechanisms are activated by introducing a great volume of gas. In other cases, embolism has been produced when equipment is used that generates medical ozone from the atmospheric air or when the ozone was injected in cavities or within the bone marrow. In all cases, the accidents were produced by iatrogenesis, that is, caused by the irresponsibility of the healthcare personnel that used inappropriate methods or low-quality ozone for the therapy. - International Scientific Committee of Ozonetherapy (ISCO3)
Indications For DIV
- Circulatory Problems
- Infections or Wounds
- Arthritis
- Viruses or Fungi
- Pain and Inflammation
- Geriatric Conditions
- Muscular Diseases
- Neurologic Diseases
Joint Injection (Prolozone)
The most common ozone joint, or intra-articular, injection is done with a product called Prolozone. Prolozone is a combination of the term derived from the Latin word “proli”, meaning to regenerate or rebuild, and ozone.
Developed and pioneered by Dr. Frank Shallenberger, Prolozone combines the principles of neural therapy, Prolotherapy, and ozone therapy to help regenerate joints and other damaged tissues.
Prolozone injections consist of a combination of Procaine, anti-inflammatory medications/homeopathics, vitamins, minerals, proliferatives, and ozone gas that is injected directly into degenerated or injured joints, and into areas of pain.
Indications For Prolozone
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Chronic Back Pain
- Chronic Neck Pain
- Degenerated Discs
- Degenerative and Arthritic Ankles
- Degenerative and Arthritic Hips
- Degenerative and Arthritic Knees
- Dental Infections
- Heel Spurs
- Neuromas
- Non-Union Fractures
- Painful Scars
- Pelvic Disorders
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Post-Op Pain
- Rotator Cuff Injuries
- Sciatica
- Sinus Infections
- Sports Injuries
- Tennis Elbow
Intramuscular (IM) Injection
IM injections can be in the form of pure gas or as Minor Autohemotherapy.
Intra-arterial Injection
As the name implies, this involves the injection of ozone directly into an artery.
Subcutaneous Injection
Small amounts of low concentration ozone gas are injected under the skin.
Indications For Subcutaneous Injections
- Inflammation
- Pain Relief
- Back Pain
- Headaches
- Alopecia
- Acne
- Lipodystrophy
Ear Insufflation
There are several ways to do ear insufflations, but the most efficient is to use a modified stethoscope to introduce ozone gas into the ear canal. The gas will enter the canal and pass through the eardrum, which is semi-permeable, and reach the eyes and brain.
Indications For Ear Insufflation
- Ear Infections
- Brain Cancer
- Eye Problems
- Macular Degeneration
- Pink Eye
- Head Colds
- Influenza
- Bronchitis
- Asthma
- Alzheimers
- Parkinsons
- Epilepsy
- Brain Fog
Nasal Insufflation
Nasal, or sinus, insufflation is the taking in of ozone gas through the nose into the sinus cavity.
A large, needle-less syringe is filled with ozone, placed in one nostril, then injected into the nasal cavity.
Because ozone is harmful to the lungs, certain precautions must be taken while doing a nasal insufflation. However, when done properly, they are among the most efficient and effective ways to resolve infections in the sinuses, ears, and brain.
An alternative to a nasal insufflation is inhalation of ozone bubbled through oil.
Indications For Nasal Insufflation
- Chronic Sinus Infections
- Upper Respiratory Infections
- Hayfever/Allergies
- Dental Pain
Rectal Insufflation
Rectal insufflation (RI) is one of the oldest methods of application in ozone therapy. Many practitioners believe it to be a simple, inexpensive replacement for other blood treatments, like MAH or 10-Pass. However, others, like Velio Bocci, disagree.
All agree, however, that RI is extremely effective and has a beneficial therapeutic affect throughout the entire body and not just locally. It increases blood oxygenation, energy, and the ability of organ systems to function at higher levels.
RIs are easy to perform at home by most everyone. In addition to an ozone generator that produces medical-grade ozone, you will need a large syringe, or specially designed ozone bag, and a catheter. That's it!
While the safest and easiest way to perform an RI is with the use of an ozone bag and catheter, it can also be done using a silicone tube and catheter connected directly to the ozone generator, but it is more difficult to control the quantity of ozone used.
A typical ozone dosage is between 100 to 300 ml at a low concentration.
Indications For Rectal Insufflation
Vaginal Insufflation
In vaginal insufflation (VI), a cannula is used to introduce ozone gas into the vagina.
Unlike with rectal insufflations, VIs are best performed with a continuous flow of ozone directly from the generator. A humidifier can be used to add moisture, if desired, to help keep the vaginal tissue from drying out.
Indications For Vaginal Insufflation
- Infections - HPV, yeast (candidiasis), bacterial, viral
- Unexplained pain in or around the vagina
- Labia Pain
- Pelvic Pain
- Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
Bladder Insufflation
In bladder insufflation, a catheter is introduced into the bladder, a small quantity of ozone gas is injected, then held for as long as possible before voiding.
Depending on a person’s situation, a practitioner may use Prolozone instead of ozone alone. The procedure consists of injecting a combination of procaine, homepathics (like, traumeel), and possibly other beneficial ingredients, waiting 5-20 minutes, then injecting medical-grade ozone gas. Treatment can be repeated several times a week.
Indications For Bladder Insufflation
- Interstitial and Acute Cystitis
- Chronic Bladder Infections
- Chronic Urethral Infections
- Fungal (yeast) Infections of the urethra and bladder
- Urge Incontinence
- Chronic Prostatitis
Full Body and Limb Bagging
Bagging is done by isolating a body part, such as a hand, arm, foot, leg, etc., or the entire body, in a specially designed, ozone-resistant bag, then introducing ozone gas. The best bags are made from PEVA (polyethylene vinyl acetate), or Teflon (PTFE), because of their durability and ozone resistance.
Full body bagging is an easy way to apply ozone to the skin of the entire body, second only to an ozone sauna.
Studies have shown that bagging a wound with high concentrations of ozone (75 to 90 gamma), for a short period of time, will increase blood flow to the area and kill any bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc., that may be infecting it. Once an infection is cleared, lower concentrations of ozone (35 gamma) are used to stimulate healing.
For non-infected skin conditions and general health benefits, lower ozone concentrations (35 gamma) are used.
Both limb bagging and full body bagging are done to treat specific topical conditions. They are not as effective at modulating the immune system as are the various intravenous and/or insufflation methods described above.
Indications For Bagging
- Dermatitis
- Eczema
- Psoriasis
- Wounds, especially infected or slow to heal
- Gangrene
- Skin Ulcers
- Skin Infections
- Fungal Infections of the skin, fingernails, or toenails
- Bed Sores
- Burns
- Impetigo
- Abscesses
- Insect Bites
Cupping / Funneling
Whether called cupping or funneling, the procedure involves using a small cup, or funnel, preferably made of glass, to concentrate ozone on a small area of the body.
It is commonplace to use cupping over the liver for detoxification, or over muscle knots/spasms to help release them.
Indications For Cupping
- Same as for bagging
Ozone Sauna
An ozone sauna is performed in a specially designed sauna that combines steam with ozone, creating an ideal transdermal ozone application. The sauna’s heat and steam opens the pores, increases blood flow, and relaxes the body allowing the ozone to be absorbed and transferred to the blood, lymph, and other systems.
Saunas have always been a good way to cleanse and detoxify, and adding ozone just amplifies the effect.
Additional therapies are sometimes added to the traditional ozone sauna to produce certain healing effects. The most common ones are infrared light or carbon dioxide.
Carbon dioxide is used in the popular Hyperthermic Ozone and Carbonic Acid Transdermal Therapy, or HOCATT, ozone saunas. The carbon dioxide is introduced into the steam where it reacts to form carbonic acid, which increases the uptake and delivery of oxygen at the cellular level.
Benefits Of An Ozone Sauna
- Detoxification, esp., the skin and lymphatic system
- Increases blood flow and oxygenation of cells and tissues
- Stimulates, strengthens, and modulates the immune system
- Kills bacteria, viruses, and microorganisms of all kinds
- Relaxes muscles and oxidizes lactic acid buildup, thereby increasing muscle flexibility
- Increases energy
- Decreases stress levels
- Clears the skin
- Balances hormone and enzyme production
- Increases tumor necrosis factor
- Stimulates production of anti-cancer substances, like Interleukin II and Gamma interferon
Ozonated Oils
The only way to stabilize ozone without the use of chemicals or preservatives is to bubble it through oil. The process to make ozone oil can take several days or weeks to fully saturate the oil with ozone.
Olive oil is the most common ozonated oil, but more and more different types of oils are being ozonated to take advantage of their unique healing properties and ozone strength. Today you can purchase jars of ozonated olive, hemp, jojoba, coconut, avocado, castor, sesame, and sunflower oil. These oils can be ingested, used topically, or as a suppository to get the benefits of the ozone they contain.
The properties of each oil determines the maximum amount of ozone it can hold. Each oil is given what is called a Potential Ozonide Index (POI) number showing its ozone strength. Hemp oil contains the most ozone with a POI of 192, and coconut oil has the least at 14. The formula and chart below show the POI number for each oil.
Indications For Ozonated Oil
- Inflammation
- Infections
- Acne
- Burns
- Skin Lesions
- Herpes
- Eczema
- Dry Skin
- Wrinkles
- Hair Care
- Sores
- Gingivitis
- Hemorrhoids
- Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

Ozonated oil chart showing each oil’s Potential Ozonide Index (POI)
Ozonated Water
Ozone water is made by bubbling ozone gas through a glass or stone bubbler, placed in water. The ozone binds to the water molecules which can then be used in a myriad of ways for the body to reap the benefits of the ozone. The colder and cleaner the water, the more ozone it can hold, and for a longer period of time.
Since ozone dissipates from water quickly, it is imperative to use it ASAP, before the ozone is gone.
Ozonated water can be applied topically to disinfect and speed healing of wounds, used in your dental regimen (mouthwash, Waterpik, etc.), drank, or used in a neti pot for sinus infections.
Indications For Ozone Water
- Wound Disinfection and Healing
- Burns
- Allergies
- Cancers
- Gastritis, Indigestion
- Candidiasis
- Headaches
- Viral Infections
- Herpes Zoster and Simplex
- Athlete's Foot
- Pains due to poor peripheral blood circulation
- Gum Disease
- Aphthous Stomatitis
- Mouth Ulcers
- Disinfection after tooth extraction & dental work
Inhalation and OZOL
Unlike with nasal insufflations, ozone gas is not used directly with inhalations, as it is harmful to the lungs. With both “regular” ozone inhalation and OZOL inhalation the ozone is first bubbled through oil to create ozonides and terpines that can then be safely taken into the lungs.
During “regular” ozone inhalation, ozone gas is bubbled through a vessel containing oil, typically olive oil, then breathed in using a nasal cannula or oxygen mask.
OZOL therapy is slightly different. With OZOL, ozone is bubbled through an aromatic oil like eucalyptus, tea tree, or pine, in a specially designed glass nebulizer. The resulting vapor that is produced is then drawn into the lungs through the nose or mouth.
Both inhalation methods are excellent ways to oxygenate the blood and treat sinus and lung issues.
During acute conditions, inhalation and OZOL therapy can be done several times a day, if needed.
Indications For Inhalation and OZOL
- Bronchitis
- Pneumonia
- Flu
- Colds
- Acute Sinus Infections
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